MGT610 Assignment 1 Solution Spring 2023

This post will provide you MGT610 Assignment 1 Solution for spring 2023. Download the MGT610 Assignment solution file. If you want to download Vu assignment solutions, Midterm past papers Final term past papers, or GDB solutions you can visit our Website.

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Q.1 How does utilitarianism guide decision-making in the case of the affordable
housing dilemma? Discuss the key ethical considerations involved.

Utilitarianism guides decision-making in the case of the affordable housing
dilemma by prioritizing the principle of the greatest happiness for the greatest
number of individuals. The key ethical considerations involved in this case

  • Well-being of low-income families: Utilitarianism recognizes the importance
    of meeting the urgent need for affordable housing, as it significantly impacts
    the well-being of low-income families. Constructing high-rise apartments aligns
    with this principle by maximizing overall happiness and providing access to
    safe and affordable housing.
  • Fairness and justice: Utilitarianism raises concerns about fairness and justice.
    Displacing the existing low-income community for upscale condominiums
    could perpetuate social inequalities and disproportionately affect vulnerable
    populations. Constructing affordable housing promotes fairness and justice by
    addressing the housing needs of those who are poor.
  • 3. Long-term consequences: Utilitarianism emphasizes the consideration of long-
    term consequences. Providing affordable housing options can contribute to social stability, improved educational opportunities for children, and enhanced community cohesion. These positive outcomes align with the long- term well-being and happiness of the affected individuals.

Q.2 Assess the potential consequences of building upscale condominiums for the low-
income community. How does utilitarianism address the ethical concerns in this scenario?

Answer: Assessing the potential consequences of building upscale condominiums for the low-
income community, utilitarianism addresses ethical concerns by prioritizing the well-
being of the greatest number of individuals. In this scenario, constructing upscale

condominiums would lead to the displacement of low-income residents, negatively
affecting their happiness and well-being. Utilitarianism recognizes that this outcome
goes against the principle of greatest happiness, as it would harm a vulnerable

Utilitarianism emphasizes the importance of providing affordable housing options to
meet the urgent needs of low-income families. Utilitarianism addresses ethical
concerns by prioritizing the construction of high-rise apartments by maximizing
overall happiness and well-being for the low-income community. This approach
promotes fairness, justice, and long-term positive consequences by ensuring access to
safe and affordable housing, thereby benefiting the greatest number of individuals.

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