CS506 MIDTERM SOLVED MCQS with references by MOAAZ

CS506 MIDTERM SOLVED MCQS with references by MOAAZ

CS506 MIDTERM SOLVED MCQS with references by MOAAZ

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 If we remove static from main then program __________.

 Program cannot compile
 Program will compile and work properly
 Run time errors
 Exception throws in main

 If we remove String array from main then program__________.

 Program cannot compile
 Program will compile and work properly
 Run time errors
 Exception throws in main

 Java developed in _________.


 Which of the following methods are invoked by the AWT to support paint and repaint operations?

 paint( )
 repaint( )
 draw( )
 redraw( )

 When defining a method you must include a ___________ to declare any exception that might be thrown but is not caught in the method.

 try block
 finally block
 catch block

 Aside from the Scanner class, which of the following classes can be used for text-file file input?

 None of these

 Which of the following statements is true regarding Vectors with no specified base type?

 A base type is needed because Java needs to know how to allocate memory.
 No base type is needed because Java will use the Object class as a base type.
 If a base type is not specified the code will not compile.
 No base type is needed because Vectors default to storing String objects.

 A serializable class must implement the method(s) _________.

 readObject and writeObject
 Either readObject or writeObject, or both, depending upon the desired behavior
 No need to implement any method
 None of the given option

 You can ———to a network using sockets.

 None of these

 Socket is a ————–communication channel between hosts.


 Which of the following are passed as an argument to the paint ( ) method?

 A Canvas object
 A Graphics object
 An Image object
 A paint object

 The code below draws a line. What color is the line?
g.drawLine(0, 0, 100,100);


 To create DataBaseMetaData object we write following line of code

 DataBaseMetaData db = con.getMeataData();
 ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData();
 ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.setMetaData();
 DataBaseMetaData db = con.setMeataData();

 Event source can have ——— listeners registered on it.


 An abstract class ————— instantiated.

 Can’t be
 Can be
 None of these
Correct Answer: 1

 A ___________ defines the way and method of communication between two parties.


 What if the static modifier is removed from the signature of the main method?

 The program does not compile
 The program compiles but does not run
 The program compiles and runs properly
 The program throws an exception on compile time

 What if the main method is declared as private?

 The program does not compile…
 The program compiles but does not run
 The program compiles and runs properly
 The program throws an exception on compile time

 A member variable or method prefixed by the protected access modifier can be accessed:

 Within the same class
 Within the sub-class
 Within the same package
 All of the above

 A top-level class without any modifier is accessible to

 any class
 any class within the same package
 any class within the same file
 any subclass of this class

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